Notes on the homotopy invariance axiom in (Co)Homology
(Co)Homology theories need to be homotopy invariant, as required by the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, that is:
In some circumstances, especially when dealing with de Rham cohomology, the homotopy invariance is stated in a different form, as a consequence of Poincarè Lemma, namely:
via π:X×R→X.
In this note I review how to reconcile the different formulations of homopoty invariance. The proof is extrapolated from Bott-Tu.
We denote by I the closed unit interval [0,1] (see following remark).
We say f,g:X→Y are homotopic is there is a map F:X×I→Y such that F(⋅,0)=f and F(⋅,1)=g.
We say two spaces X and Y are homotopy equivalent or homotopic if there exist f:X→Y, g:Y→X such that f∘g≃1Y and g∘f≃1X.
In the category of smooth manifolds (without boundaries) usually one requires the homotopy to be smooth, and hence usually instead of the closed unit interval, one takes I as an open neighbourhood of [0,1] or R itself. In the following then, I will denote [0,1] or an open neighbourhood of it.
A (co)homology theory is a (co)functor from some category of topological spaces T (T = Top,CW,Diff,…) to the category of Z-graded R-modules satisfying Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms.
Since the following result uses only functorial properties, we state it for a functor H:T→C, where C is a general category.
For a (co)functor H:T→C the following are equivalent:
For f,g:X→Y, f≃g⟹H(f)=H(g)
H(X×I)≅H(X) via π:X×I→X
(1. ⟹ 2.) In fact X≃Y means there are f,g such that f∘g≃1Y and g∘f≃1X. By functoriality H(f) and H(g) are inverses of each other.
(2. ⟹ 3.) Of course X×I≃X, since the projection on the first factor gives us a retraction.
(3. ⟹ 1.) Let F:X×I→Y be the homotopy f≃g. Let ιi:X→X×I be the inclusion ιi(x)=(x,i). Then F∘ι0=f and F∘ι1=g. So we have the commuting diagram:
Observe that ιi is a section of the projection π for each i∈I. By applying the functor H, we get H(ιi)=H(ιj) for i,j∈I, since both are inverses of H(π). This implies