Notes on the homotopy invariance axiom in (Co)Homology

(Co)Homology theories need to be homotopy invariant, as required by the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, that is:

f:XY    H(f):H(X)H(Y)f:X \simeq Y \implies H(f): H(X) \cong H(Y)

In some circumstances, especially when dealing with de Rham cohomology, the homotopy invariance is stated in a different form, as a consequence of Poincarè Lemma, namely:

H(X×R)H(X)H(X \times \mathbb{R}) \cong H(X)

via π:X×RX\pi: X \times \mathbb{R} \to X. In this note I review how to reconcile the different formulations of homopoty invariance. The proof is extrapolated from Bott-Tu.

We denote by II the closed unit interval [0,1][0,1] (see following remark). We say f,g:XYf,g: X \to Y are homotopic is there is a map F:X×IYF: X \times I \to Y such that F(,0)=fF(\cdot ,0) = f and F(,1)=gF(\cdot,1) = g. We say two spaces XX and YY are homotopy equivalent or homotopic if there exist f:XYf: X \to Y, g:YXg: Y \to X such that fg1Yf \circ g \simeq \mathrm{1}_Y and gf1Xg \circ f \simeq \mathrm{1}_X.

In the category of smooth manifolds (without boundaries) usually one requires the homotopy to be smooth, and hence usually instead of the closed unit interval, one takes II as an open neighbourhood of [0,1][0,1] or R\mathbb{R} itself. In the following then, II will denote [0,1][0,1] or an open neighbourhood of it.

A (co)homology theory is a (co)functor from some category of topological spaces T\mathcal{T} (T\mathcal{T} = Top\textbf{Top},CW\textbf{CW},Diff\textbf{Diff},…) to the category of Z\mathbb{Z}-graded RR-modules satisfying Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. Since the following result uses only functorial properties, we state it for a functor H:TCH:\mathcal{T} \to \mathcal{C}, where C\mathcal{C} is a general category.


For a (co)functor H:TCH:\mathcal{T} \to \mathcal{C} the following are equivalent:

  1. For f,g:XYf,g: X \to Y, fg    H(f)=H(g)f \simeq g \implies H(f) = H(g)
  2. f:XY    H(f):H(X)H(Y)f:X \simeq Y \implies H(f): H(X) \cong H(Y)
  3. H(X×I)H(X)H(X \times I) \cong H(X) via π:X×IX\pi: X \times I \to X

(1.     \implies 2.) In fact XYX \simeq Y means there are f,gf,g such that fg1Yf \circ g \simeq \mathrm{1}_Y and gf1Xg \circ f \simeq \mathrm{1}_X. By functoriality H(f)H(f) and H(g)H(g) are inverses of each other.
(2.     \implies 3.) Of course X×IXX \times I \simeq X, since the projection on the first factor gives us a retraction.
(3.     \implies 1.) Let F:X×IYF: X \times I \to Y be the homotopy fgf \simeq g. Let ιi:XX×I\iota_i: X \to X \times I be the inclusion ιi(x)=(x,i)\iota_i(x) = (x,i). Then Fι0=fF \circ \iota_0 = f and Fι1=gF \circ \iota_1 = g. So we have the commuting diagram:


Observe that ιi\iota_i is a section of the projection π\pi for each iIi \in I. By applying the functor HH, we get H(ιi)=H(ιj)H(\iota_i) = H(\iota_j) for i,jIi,j \in I, since both are inverses of H(π)H(\pi). This implies

H(Fι0)=H(Fι1)H(F \circ \iota_0) = H(F \circ \iota_1)

Which leads to

H(f)=H(Fι0)=H(Fι1)=H(g)H(f) = H(F \circ \iota_0) = H(F \circ \iota_1) = H(g)